Attention all TBB Customers with D-Link DVG-1120 devices. Due to a technical issue involving PRIMUS related configuration of the unit's firmware your D-Link TalkBroadband unit may not provide a dial tone. The following instructions should be followed as closely as possible in order to get your D-Link unit back on-line.

Please do not contact D-Link Technical Support as they are not equipped to assist with configuration assistance in this case, assistance is available only through PRIMUS.


Step 1:

Open up a web browser on your computer (ie. Internet Explorer, Firefox).

In the address bar type in the following webpage

You should see the following:

Yes, I see the image above – Proceed to

No, I do not see the image above – Proceed to

Step 2:

Verifying Network Layout

, I do not have another router or wireless router in my network

, I do have a router or wireless router in my home network

Without Home Router your network should be configured as follows:

Figure 1

Yes, I have verified that my network is configured as illustrated in Figure 1. Go to

I have an existing Broadband home router:

In the above your TalkBroadBand D-Link device is connected to the "WAN" port on your Router and the LAN port is connected to your computer.

Yes, I have verified that my network is configured as illustrated. Go to

No, my network is not setup this way. Please rewire network according to Illustration and return to or go to for Technical Support Contact Information.

Step 3:

Resetting D-link:

At this point with this setup you may do a hardware reset on the D-link unit. To do hardware reset, follow these instructions:

  • Grab a push pin/toothpick or anything that will fit into the reset hole on the back of the D-link unit. You will know it’s a perfect fit by placing the pin in the hole and being able to feel the button depress. The push pin is probably one of the most reliable tools in this scenario.

  • Unplug the power to the D-link unit and place the pin in the reset hole, make sure you feel the button depress.
  • Plug the power back into the unit while simultaneously keeping the pin in the reset hole. Make sure the button is depressed during this time. Hold it for about 10 seconds and let go of the push pin and keep the power plugged in.
  • You will know that you’ve done this correctly when you hear the unit click within a minute or two of letting go of the pin.

Yes, I have completed this step, please return to

Step 4:

Can you access the Internet? Please try loading a webpage such as or

Yes, my Internet works go to

no, my Internet doesn’t work go to

Step 5:

Do you have Cable or DSL high-speed?

Yes, I have Cable highspeed, section

Yes, I have DSL highspeed, section

Cable Configuration:

  • Completely unplug the power to the cable modem provided to you by the Internet provider. DO NOT press any suspend buttons on the modem directly. We want to completely drain the unit of power. Leave the cable modem unplugged for 15 minutes.
  • Plug the power back into the cable modem and wait for all the lights to stabilize. The cable modem should have a solid green “online” or “cable” light. You may have a different light depending on the provider.
  • Once this is done, open up a browser on your computer (ie. Internet Explorer, Eirefox)
  • In the address bar we will type in the following webpage
  • You should now see the Primus website

Yes, I see the Primus Website proceed to

No, I do not see the Primus Website – Please proceed to for Primus Technical Support contact information.


Open up a web browser on your computer (ie. Internet explorer, firefox).

In the address bar type in the following webpage

Click “Login” you may be prompted for a username and password if prompted try both of the following:

Username: admin
Password: admin

Username: admin
Password: primusvoip

1. Click on "Config LAN/WAN Access", and then click on Config WAN IP Address.

2. Click on PPPoE from the drop down menu.

3. Then enter your DSL PPPoE account information (username and password) provided by your DSL provider and click “Save” at the bottom right of the screen.

4. When this screen appears, select “Save changes and reboot system now”.

5. Once the reboot is completed, you will be taken back to the main configuration screen.

6. When you are at the main menu screen, go to the “PPPoE Connect” section and then check your status.

7. If you see the words “Connected” for Connecting Status and “Connected” for PPPoE Status, then your DSL setup is now complete.

* If you see the words “Authentication Fail”, then you may have problems connecting with your DSL service provider.

Once this is done, open up a browser on your computer (ie. Internet Explorer, Eirefox)

  • In the address bar we will type in the following webpage
  • You should now see the Primus website

Yes, I see the Primus Website proceed to

No, I do not see the Primus Website – Please to for details on how to contact technical support.

Step 6:

Log into the D-Link unit:

open up a browser on your computer (ie. Internet Explorer, Eirefox)

In the address bar we will type in the following webpage

  • Click “Login” you may be prompted for a username and password if prompted try both of the following:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin
    Username: admin
    Password: primusvoip

  • On the left menu click on "Advanced"
  • You will be prompted for a username/password in order to continue try both of these, either may work:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin
    Username: admin
    Password: primusvoip

  • You will now see more options on the left menu.
  • On the left menu click on "Firmware update"
  • You will see several options to the right.

  • To the right of “TFTP server Address” you will see 4 boxes.
  • In the blank boxes beside the word "TFTP Server Address" (see image above) enter ONE of the following four (4) IP addresses:
  • You will see a field labeled “Firmware Update” and to the right of it will be a drop down menu. Click on the down arrow and select “enabled”.
  • this you will see a field labeled “Filename
  • To the right of this field type the following: 1120M.tftp
  • Below this you will see a button labeled “SAVE”, click on this and the unit will attempt to download the firmware and update itself.
  • When it is done downloading the file it will take you to a new screen with 2 options. Please note the firmware download might timeout and never display this new screen mentioned previously, if it times out try clicking "SAVE" again and wait. If this still doesn't work change the IP Address to one of the other IP addresses:
  • Try the "SAVE" button again. You will know this works when the page changes to a new screen with 2 options on it. This step may be repeated until the file is downloaded successfully.
  • No, this still isn't working for me, proceed to
  • Yes, this worked for me. Select the top option labeled “Save changes and reboot now” and click “Save”.

    The system is now upgrading the firmware and will perform a series of actions.

    Wait approximately 5-10 minutes the red light on the front of the D-Link unit should now be green, you should now be able to make phone calls over TalkBroadband.

No, this did not work for me and have waited for 5-10 minutes, proceed to .

Step 7:

open up a browser on your computer (ie. Internet Explorer, Eirefox)

In the address bar we will type in the following webpage

  • Click on the “login to D-Link web management” button, you may be prompted for a username and password, if prompted try both of the following:

    Username: admin
    Password: admin
    Username: admin
    Password: primusvoip
    On the left menu click on “Factory Reset

  • On the right click on the bottom button labeled “Reset NMM Configuration

  • The unit will restart and should come back online. The red light on the front of the unit should now be green. You should now be able to make calls on TalkBroadband.

No, this did not work for me – Please contact Technical Support for more advanced troubleshooting. Proceed to .

Step 8:

Contact Technical Support

If you are having difficulty with the instructions or you are still experiencing difficulties, please contact our support department.

Residential: 800-370-0015
Commercial: 888-222-8577

Step 9:

The following instructions are intended if you are having tftp transfer issues from Step 6.

Open a NEW web browser window DO NOT close the window from Step 6, we are going to return to that step later.

* In the new web browser address bar enter the following URL: this will download. Save this somewhere you will remember like your Windows desktop.

* Double click on saved firmware.exe and click "Install" this is a self extracting executable and will create a folder called "Primus-Update" on the Windows desktop.

* Open folder on Desktop named "Primus-Update".

* Double click on tftpd32.exe - tftp server should now be running on PC (see image below).

VERY IMPORTANT: If prompted by Windows Firewall or some other software firewall select UNBLOCK.

* In the tftpd server window that appears on your computer write down the IP address by the words "Server Interface" make note of this for a future step.

IMPORTANT: IP address in "Server Interface" must start with 192.168.15.X where X is the IP of your PC.

* Next go back to the browser Window you opened in step 6 which should still be open.

* Enter your PC IP address beside "TFTP server Address" this will allow the firmware to be downloaded from your PC in place of the Primus server IP address' given out in Step 6. (,,, remember to click the "Save" button.

Note: If you closed the browser window from step 6 by mistake return however in place of one of the Primus tftp IP addresses provided in Step 6 use the your PC's IP address from the instructions above i.e. the address that starts with 192.168.15.X. When you are done and your phone is working close tftp server software running on your PC.

Yes, this worked for me my firmware downloaded. Select the top option labeled "Save changes and reboot now" and click "Save". Continue below.

No, this didn't work for me proceed to for technical support contact details.

The system is now upgrading the firmware and will perform a series of actions.

* Wait approximately 5-10 minutes the red light on the front of the D-Link unit should now be green, you should now be able to make phone calls over TalkBroadband.

My firmware seems to have downloaded by the status light is not green, proceed to

Remember to close the tftp server down once you've verified everything is working.

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